What is Trade Credit Insurance?
insolvency, bankruptcy, default, and political risks. However, TCI is more than just insurance. It’s an essential asset that empowers your business to grow and thrive.
Key Uses of TCI
Risk Mitigation / Peace of Mind
Protects your business against unexpected losses and provides peace of mind to focus on growth.
Sales Expansion / New Markets
Protects against loss from new buyers and can provide a competitive advantage by offering better credit terms.
Financing Growth / Cash Flow
Banks often extend higher lines of credit against insured receivables.
Credit Process Efficiencies
Outsources credit risk assessment, monitoring, & collections to improve efficiency, freeing up time to focus on your core business.
Tailored TCI
Solutions for Your Business
At JZJ Insurance, we understand that every client is unique. That’s why we go the extra mile to find the perfect solution tailored to your business’s specific needs. Our trade credit team combines experience and diligence with a friendly and resourceful approach. Finding the right solution is just the beginning. We assist you with application preparation, obtaining necessary documentation, and ensuring compliance with policy requirements. JZJ is here to answer your questions whenever they arise.
We work with all TCI insurers to find the best fit for your business
Want to
Learn More?
Contact JZJ today to explore how Trade Credit Insurance can help your business grow. We will work with all TCI insurers to find the best fit for your business and guide you at every step of the process